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Gerard and Liam pedal ahead for charity

Gerard and Liam Pedal Ahead for Charity

September 2017

At the beginning of August Gerard Culbertson, depot principal at Linkline Express Services (D29) and his son Liam embarked upon a week-long cycle challenge alongside the Birmingham Irish Cycle Appeal (BICA) in aid of a number of worthy causes.

The duo endured a 533mile cycle ride, spanning over six and a half days across the Wild Atlantic Way. The ride began at the most Southern point of Ireland, Mizen Head, ending at the most Northern point, Malin Head.

Together with BICA, Gerard and Liam took on the challenge to raise money for several charities across the UK; with Cystic Fibrosis, PSPA Parkinsons, SPOCC, young carers, the Allen’s Croft Project, Dementia Care and Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SAD) all set to benefit from the funds raised.

BICA has been organising demanding cycling challenges in honour of charities for over two decades, and is set to raise over £70K this year alone.

Gerard commented: “The ride was one of the greatest experiences of my life to date. It posed some pretty serious challenges along the way, but the sense of achievement and the good times made it well worth it. The scenery was amazing from beginning to end and the laughs even better. Without a doubt we will both be doing the ride again wherever it is set to be next.”

Liam added: “I’ve never done anything like this before, and I have to admit I was slightly nervous when we set off but eager to tackle the challenge as well as I could. The two middle days were long and difficult, and tested the willpower of everybody; but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it and will certainly be doing the ride again.”

The pair completed the ride without getting off their bikes whilst on-route, even when faced with the steepest of hills in Ireland, Mamore Gap.

Kevin Buchanan, managing director at Pall-Ex commented: “Gerard and Liam did a fantastic job undertaking such a gruelling task, and the fact that so many varying and worthy charities will benefit from their efforts only makes their achievement more impressive.”

So far, Gerard and Liam have raised over £3000; but they’re still looking to raise more money to hit a target of £3500. You can donate via Gerard’s fundraising page and help to support charities across the country.

Donate now: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=gerardculbertson